Jupiter and the 4 Galilean Moons

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Image:  Jupiter and the 4 Galilean Moons Scope - Mount:   Celestron Edge HD14 @ f/11 - Celestron CGE Pro mount
Constellation:     n/a Camera:    ZWO ASI071
Imaged at:    Temecula, CA Exposure Times:      1 exposure at 0.01 seconds
Date imaged:  Sept. 8, 2019 Approximate FOV:  18' x 12'  (cropped - approx.)
Guided?:   (none)

Filters used:   IR Block

The moons, from left to right, are:  Callisto (far left), Io (top), Ganymede, and Europa.  Note that I had taken this image months ago but just now got around to processing it.